11 April 2013

Welcome to Bryansk

Hello friends.

I suggest you to take a virtual tour for the city I live in - Bryansk.

Bryansk is an ancient city. It was founded in 985. Bryansk is placed on the hills near the Desna river.

Desna river

Pokrovskaya hill
It has a population about 420'000 and a total area of 226 square km.
Bryansk is one of the largest industrial cities of the Russian Federation. (Actually, it was. Today we don't have any big factories). It is divided into 4 districts: Sovetskiy, Bezhitskiy, Fokinskiy and Volodarskiy. The Sovetskiy district is the seat of regional administration with many departments and offices to run all the branches of industry, agriculture, commerce, education, medicine and culture.

There are 4 higher education establishments in Bryansk: The State Teachers' Training University, The State Technical University, The State Agricultural Academy.
The main housing of the Teachers' Training University

The old housing of the Technical University

There are many colleges and secondary schools of different kinds, music and art schools. Bryansk has a large regional library, a drama theatre, a puppet theatre, a youth theatre, a modern circus, a planetarium, a lot of squares and parks. The central park named after Alexey Tolstoy, which (the park, not the Alexey itself) is famous for its unique collection of wooden sculptures.

The largest industrial plants of the town are The Bryansk Engineering Works, Steel, Automobile, Selicate Plants, a worsted mill. Powerful diesels for ocean liners, shunting diesel locomotives, refrigerators, automobiles, items of footwear, clothing are produced there.

Bryansk is one of the largest transporting centers of the Russian Federation. There are Central railway station and Airport.
Central Railway Station
Train's monument


Bryansk is the City of Military Glory.

There are a lot of monuments about World War II in Bryansk.

Mound of Immortality

This is a monument for soldiers died it the WW2

Partisans' square

Partisans' glade

This is a museum of military
